Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays!

My deepest apologies for not posting in such a long time. I have been enjoying the Holidays with my family and friends, working on lots of projects, and of course, overindulging in chocolate goodies! I have been anxiously awaiting Christmas so that I can post some pictures without spoiling the surprise for the lucky recipients. I hope to have them posted tomorrow. I helped a friend of mine make a quilt for a college course project that was also a Christmas present for his sister. We enlarged the Thoughtful Star block and printed photos for the centers instead of the enbroidered quote. It is so cute! I can't wait for you to see how the block looks in the layout we chose. Sam did a great job and Kenzie cried when she received it. So sweet.
I also have some adventures in knitting to share-yikes! I hope you also have been enjoying this holiday season and that your handmade gifts were loved and adored!


  1. So glad to see you back! MIssing your pictures!! And isn't knitting a nice way to relax?? It can be a mindless thing to work on - but it comes in handy after a stressful day :) Hope to see you here again soon! Happy New Year!
